Relief efforts for patients with coronary heart disease
Heart is one of body organs which has a strong layer of muscles and it's function is pumping bloods to transfer oxygen and nutrition to all parts of body. Consequence of not apply healthy life styles like as: smoking, unbalance nutrients (obesity) and less physical activity (sports) can cause many dangerous of diseases one of all are coronary heart disease.
Coronary heart disease is a certain heart disease that is occurred by presence anomaly of coronary vessel. This anomaly of coronary vessel is the constriction blood vessel as consequence of blood vessel wall not flexible by over fat accumulation. The prime etiology of Coronary heart disease is over fat accumulation on wall in of artery coronary until occur constriction and can obstruct blood circulations.
Predisposition factors of Coronary heart disease like as: Less consume vegetables and fruits, Smoking habit, Less physical activity or sports, Hypertension, Blood cholesterol more than normal, Obesity, Stress emotion, Diabetes Mellitus, Genetics.
Clinical signs of Coronary heart disease, included of: Suppressed sense at chest like as struck down by heavy load, chest pain, heartburn sense; These senses can spread to all chests, left shoulder, left arm, back, distal neck and lower jaw; Feeling like be throttled or chest crowd; Duration of above signs about thirty minutes; Cold sweat, weakness, palpitation; Some time until coma; Heart attacks often occur at morning day.
Community’s actions to help patient with Acute Heart attack can do some procedures like as: Lie down the patient; Loose of clothes and belt; Calling a doctor or reference to hospital.
Medical treatment that can be done, among others: Isosorbide dinitrate 5 mg sublingually every 5 minutes (to maximum of 3); or Glyceryl trinitrate sublingually spray: 1 to 2 sprays (to maximum of 3 in 15 minutes); or Nifedipine 5 mg capsule (suck or chew) if intolerant of nitrates (warn about possible hypotension and unpleasant taste).Precautions of Heart Disease that can be done, among other: Make balance nutrients by consume more vegetables and fruits, poor fat with limited salt and sugar consumptions; Don’t smoking. All of cigarettes can cause coronary heart disease; be avoiding the stress by always positive thinking, quiet and be controlled; Keep blood pressure normally by regularly control; and please do regularly sport or physical activity.
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